Today we have a treat for you!!
Ever and Ava are one of our lovely advertisers and today I bring you a great interview with Sheridan.
As well as a great interview Sheridan is also offering 15% discount on all items when you quote BIGDAYOCT - this is to mark the launch of the new website
What inspired you to start your business?
As I have always been crafty and made and sold things from my teens I don’t think any one thing inspired me but a culmination of things. I have dreamed and dreamed about a shop; originally it was a wool shop serving tea and cakes on vintage china now it’s filled with jewellery, same shop really. The name however is an inspiration it is named after my little cousin who I am totally besotted with, and she is absolutely crazy about crafts, drawing, arting (her word) sticking etc. So we are both totally happy together in our craft world. Ava has nearly as much stuff as me and she is only 4 mum’s not too happy when I have a sort out and take her things , I think she can see many years ahead of crafting.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love the girly bits, so beads, flowers, ribbon, feathers, vintage china all take pride of place in my home. I love it when a customer walks away with a smile, I won’t say the sale isn’t nice but nothing beats that feeling of I made that and someone just bought it. I also love sitting making, tiaras are still my favourite as I love working with wire but I also make and sell hundreds of cards every week so my lounge is my workroom. (With a small overspill).
What has been the best moment of your business?
Best moment, ooh lots of them my first show, my first workshop ( I got a standing ovation!) teaching my summer school girls, this month has been exciting as well I am featured in 2 Magazines Wedding Ideas 100th issue page 303 and Craftseller Issue 3 page 31 - looks like 3 is my lucky number! The best moment is going to be this week launching the website (all my own work) and having my first website sale.
What are your plans for the future?
Plans for the future – again lots of them, mostly making a living from the business, so I can give up the day job!, doing lots of shows (yes I love them), teaching more, sorting out my spare room and losing weight. Lots to think about
Can you give us a ‘Typical day in the life of....’?
A typical day, now that’s the hardest question, get up, check orders, post parcels, make new stock, put new items on website, update blog , Facebook and twitter. Ahhhhh I wish now for the real day, get up, day job, get home, sleep, make dinner, make jewellery whilst watching horror or sci – fi films, or if it’s a day off, get up, tea, read twitter, take photos, sort out website, make jewellery and cards . Best bit is no day is ever the same but its great fun even with the long to do list .
Don't for get you can save 15% off all items from Ever and Ava, check out Big Day Discounts for more info